1. ELGO-DIMITRA will deliver a training package. The Training Package will address the significant issues and topics of sustainability, precision agriculture, circular economy and social inclusion that are specific to the needs of the key actors and develop the capacity of local VET providers to utilise alternative methods in their practices.
2. Social Cooperative of Dodecanese islands Mental Health Sector will be responsible for the organization of three 4-day training courses which will take place at the premises of the social cooperative (Caserma of Herbs https://www.caserma.gr/en/).
3. The University of Naples will organize and implement an exchange visit from Greece to Italy. Tailored seminars and practical training will be organized in Italy at the:
- University of Napoli Federico II, School of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Napoli
- Research laboratories and facilities of the Regional Center of Monitoring Parasitic infections of Livestock (CREMOPAR), Eboli, Salerno
- animal farms (large ruminants and small ruminants)